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Thistle Training & Development Ltd
Social Styles Model
Accredited Facilitator For Social Styles Model Workshops  

The Social Style Model™ is a tool for understanding our basic behaviors and the impact we have on others. It's the most rigorously tested and practical approach for identifying and building interpersonal skills in business settings, with a nearly 50-year record of proven success.

Your People Make the Difference


The purpose of the 2-day PRODUCING RESULTS WITH OTHERS® (PRO) workshop is to better understand how to interact with others to produce the results you want, espe­cially in a work or organisational setting. Each of us, by necessity, interacts with others on a daily basis. Consequently, each of those interactions either works for us, or against us in producing results.

What you will be doing over the course of this workshop is to analyse how different people interact with you and what you can do to make these interactions more productive.

A major part of achieving this goal is to use other participants in this workshop as resources. You can draw upon their wealth of experiences, skills and knowledge to assist you in understanding and utilising the information presented in this workshop.

­People form distinct impressions of others almost immediately upon meeting. You may decide that someone is serious, aggressive, quiet, funny, pleasant, introverted or extro­verted, causing you to act as if those impressions are true.

If your impressions are true, you can communicate more effectively. However, if you have misjudged an individual, your relationship will probably run into trouble.

Thus, a good relationship with another person frequently depends upon an accurate and objective interpretation of that person's behaviour. Once you know a person's behaviours, you will be better prepared to relate to, and communicate with, him or her more effectively.

To produce more effective results in your interactions with others, there are two topics to explore in the PRO workshop:

1. Understanding Social Style: This is the topic of discussion for the first part of the workshop, starting with the basics of behaviour and then introducing the SOCIAL STYLE MODEL™ a well-researched, well-documented approach to analysing interpersonal behaviour. TRACOM developed this model in the early sixties and continues to prove its validity today.

2. Increasing Interpersonal Effectiveness: Once you understand behaviour, you can then decide how to respond more appropriately in interactions with others. This is the topic of discussion starting with Versatility and continuing throughout the remainder of the workshop.

Of course, if you want to be successful at understanding behaviour and learning appro­priate responses, you will have to work on the concepts and skills discussed in this workshop. These skills are presented in a building-block style, so you should partici­pate fully from start to finish.

You will receive your SOCIAL STYLE™ Profile, which is the result of the checklist given to five individuals who know you. The profile will also indicate your self-per­ception of your SOCIAL STYLE position. This score will come from the itemised checklist that you will have completed prior to the workshop. Both scores will be discussed thoroughly to make sure you understand what they mean and what they say about you.

Do not confuse this workshop with any kind of sensitivity training. The workshop is not aimed at "getting inside your head" or using any psychology. This is an awareness and skill-building workshop.

© TRACOM group. All rights reserved.



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